Candle Yoga

Candle Yoga

Next one held 11th of April - Candle yoga has turned out to be one of the most famous classes of our offerings. It is a very atmospheric and relaxing yoga experience for those who are in need for some unwinding and time to calm down the forever running mind.

The yoga space is lit by dozens and dozens of candles and the hypnotising candle light is reflected from the golden walls of Palad Showroom. 

Next Candle Yoga in Kuopio:

Where? - Palad Showroom (Puijonkatu 16, Kuopio)

When? - 11th of April 2024

Time? - 19.00-20.15

Price? - 12€ / person


Please contact us for bookings or any further questions, but be quick! This class fills up fast. Hope to see you soon on the yoga mats!


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